September 11, 2013

Fashion Narrative

This photo reminds me of spring 2011 when I was dropped off in the middle of the forest upstate New York with other three classmates. We were given a map, a compass, and a radio; all we needed to find our way back to the camp Glen Brook. We saw animal skulls, heard strange noises, walked through swamps, and fought the bugs. It was a quite scary adventure. Two of the members left the team ahead for discomfort reasons so most of the trip was just Lauren and I. We were very lost and confused but we had hope that we were going to make it back.
Just like in this picture, the woman has lost her home and feels disoriented. Nothing of her body shows except for her half-closed hands as if trying to hold on to something; something very small maybe, but essential. Her clothes are the only elements of identity and color pop of the photo. The bright red plaid pattern like a warning sign is trying to communicate what the wearer cannot. Can it maybe be a shout for "help"?